And the wheel of fortune rolled again...
Yup, and now for the worse.
An all-time high from LS/COA Awards can most certainly lead to an all-time low during today's Oriental Splendor. If Celadon's life were a conic-section graph, this has to be it's absolute minimum.
Celadon Week was delayed today because the setting up of booths took forever. Plus, although we had contingency plans for the water (i.e. when it rains), we did not foresee the wind.
Actually, we were able to think of a way to prevent the tents from getting blown by the wind, and that is: "Kapit!"
Thankfully, my smart-ass managers (bless them) thought of a way to reinforce the tents by putting pegs on their corners. At least this kept the tents from going all "Marilyn Monroe" on us.
Set-up ended at 3pm. Celadon Week was eventually called off for today because there is only so much to do within one-and-a-half hours.
Tired, torn, and literally bruised (and lacerated) because my left index and middle fingers were chomped by the two folding sides of a folding table, I scanned the entire area of SEC Field, and noticed that a different kind of splendor stood there. Even if Celadon Week did not push through today, there is a certain inexplicable glory behind the empty tents and the ghost-town atmosphere, and from what I remember it's called teamwork and unity.
Guess it's not an all-time low after all... I hope all bodes well for the rest of Celadon Week though.
Today's rating: 1 out of 5 tents
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