May the workforce be with you too!

Revisiting chemistry and geometry for the sake of my tutees

Saturday, January 08, 2005

JSA is a Knight of Wands and a Knight of Swords

I got this from Daph's blogger. Like her, I don't believe in fortune-telling, even if I believe in the supernatural and things beyond human. I believe that we, humans who are gifted with intellect and emotions, create our own destiny. All our actions lead to consequences and these consequences are a product of our choices. Fortune-telling and all those crystal ball crap just undermine our fundamental human capacity to choose.

Still, I find this test amusing and just now I realize that all that jazz (or all that philosophy) above is just a useless way of giving this tarot reading test a damn. At any rate, you can visit and take the test yourself. Here are my results:

My Astrological Tarot

Knight of Wands (Astrological Sign: Leo)
: Fire
Personality: affectionate, generous, loyal, fun-loving, dramatic, impulsive, honest, proud, egotistical
Most suitable vocations: confidant, organiser, entertainer, actor, artist, sportsman, anything to be number one (JSA's comment: I like the sound of that! Bwahaha)
Most suitable lover or partner: Queen of Swords – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

My Personality Tarot
Knight of Swords
Element: Air
Personality: versatile, adaptable, confident, changeable, communicative, energetic, enterprising, indecisive
Most suitable vocations: writing, directing, acting, fashion, lecturing, communications of any sorts
Most suitable lover or partner: Queen of Wands – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius


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