jca2001 Batch Reunion
Just made a new "addition" to my blog. Hehe feel free to hunt it down.
Well, belated "monthsary" at least! I finally got my computer sorted out after its five-day incubation at Uncle Tommy's (my computer uncle). Apparently my modem just got post-installation withdrawal symptoms from my new Bluetooth port, fearing that my attention will be divided between it and the aforementioned techie toy addition (and so far, my modem's right).
Just found out that I'm the only Atenean in 3M. Promise! Everyone, sans a minute few, seems to be an alumnus or alumna of DLSU! (Scary...)
Ma'am Jenny of Shell just called a few minutes ago offering me a job at Shell. It's another position (Contacts and Procurement) and it's f-r-i-g-g-i-n seven days late! I just wish she had called me up before I started work at 3M.